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Furniture mold prevention

Date: 2020-02-25 14:50:18    View: 1107

        Some people say that the furniture is very dry before leaving the factory, but this cannot prevent furniture to be affected by damp.However the drier furniture is , the easier affected by damp. Especially the material of woodiness fiber, were most easy to catch mold which is so called “mushrooms”If the rainy season is encountered, there will be small water drops on the surface of wooden furniture. Although there is paint to block the entry of water vapor, the long-term impact will cause the local paint to discolor. Under this slow erosion, the paint will fall off, so the furniture is damp Inevitably, mold will breed after being wet. Once the furniture is wet, the local volume will expand due to the increase in water content, eventually causing the furniture to deform or even crack directly. Therefore, wooden furniture needs to be moisture-proof in the market.